Today, on February 12, 2025 is
Plum Pudding 🍮 is an interesting treat because contrary to it's very name it contains no plums. It dates back to the XVII century and around that time, dried fruit was called ""plum"". Enjoy!
There are 6 more holidays today. See them in the app!
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Just begin with "Did you know that today is National Puppy Day?", and the conversation will flow naturally from there.
"I’ve only downloaded the app for a few minutes ...This already helped me contact with old friends and Family and make us laugh and enjoy!"
Is today a national food holiday? Find many food and culinary celebrations, a great inspiration for food lovers.
"I check it every day. I even found out that I was born on Cranky Co-Workers Day.... Still not sure how to take this turn of events."
National holidays are special dates designated by a country to commemorate significant historical events, cultural traditions, or important figures. Typically, national holidays are marked by various festivities, parades, ceremonies, and sometimes even time off work or school, allowing people to come together and reflect on their shared history and values.
Examples of serious national holidays can include Independence Day, which celebrates a country's freedom, or Thanksgiving, a time for expressing gratitude and togetherness.
Funny national holidays, often referred to as quirky or unusual holidays, provide a delightful break from the ordinary and a reason to celebrate the peculiar aspects of life. These offbeat holidays often involve lighthearted and entertaining themes, adding a touch of humor to our calendars. From National Piñata Day, where we get to release our inner child by swinging at candy-filled papier-mâché creations, to National Talk Like a Pirate Day, when people playfully embrace their inner swashbuckler with pirate jargon, these holidays offer a dose of laughter and amusement.
Whether it's celebrating National Rubber Ducky Day by indulging in some bathtub nostalgia or participating in International Goof Off Day to unwind and have fun, funny national holidays remind us to enjoy life's whimsical moments and share a good laugh with others.
Is Juneteenth a national holiday? A list of national holidays in 2025? What national holiday can you celebrate today?
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